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Honoring Roberto Purcell: Funeral Support Needed

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Hello family and friends, my name is Rebecca and I am the daughter of the infamous Roberto “Toothman” Purcell. My sisters and I have truly been blessed with our father in so many beautiful ways.

Update, our father has passed and he is now with our mother. We
kept him comfortable and showered him with all the love we possibly could. He is now in a better place and at peace!!

We are preparing for his funeral costs and we would be truly grateful if you could help us and also bless our father with a donation to celebrate his life.

We hope that our father has made an impact in your life as much as he has in ours.

Thank you for your help, love, and generosity.


  • Marcel Magee
    • $50
    • 1 d
  • Randy Bishop
    • $100
    • 13 d
  • Anonym
    • $200
    • 15 d
  • Margaret Garcia
    • $20
    • 16 d
  • Steve Olsen
    • $100
    • 16 d


Rebecca Toothman
Phoenix, AZ

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