Hooch Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Trip & Program
Donation protected
Hello! We are a team of eleven students from Johns Creek, Georgia, honored to be one of eight teams in the country to be awarded a $7,500 grant from the prestigious Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam® program. In the United States, 38% of homes have gas stoves. This number increases in the Atlanta area. Our team is working to design a revolutionary invention that focuses on filtering the air of harmful emissions from these appliances. In June of 2024, we will travel to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts for EurekaFest®, an invention celebration where our final prototype will be presented to the country's top professors, researchers, and inventors. To make this happen, we're seeking support from our community. We need approximately $18,000 to cover the trip's costs and support the future of invention education. Your contribution will help improve homes locally and nationally. Join us in creating a cleaner, safer future. Thank you for being a part of our journey!
Learn more about the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam program here: https://lemelson.mit.edu/2024-inventeams
Learn more about our team's problem statement here: https://lemelson.mit.edu/teams/chattahoochee-high-school-inventeam-0
Hooch InvenTeam
Alpharetta, GA