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Hope and Support for Courtnie Harris

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I want to start off by saying thank you.

Thank you so very much for taking the time to check out this page that I created for my lifelong, childhood friend, Courtnie Harris. It truly means the world to me, and I thank you for taking the time to hear her story.
(Courtnie, left ; Myself, right)

Hello, my name is Kayla Mayes and I’m asking for donations for my dearest friend who has never stopped fighting for her health and for her happiness- for a friend who has fallen on increasingly darker days. Although, you wouldn’t know it because of the love and kindness that she obviously radiates for others.

Courtnie’s story:

Her dark days began when she was only 5 years old and was sexually assaulted on multiple occasions. That summer would change her life forever. Since that young age to this very day, she has struggled with severe depression. No matter how hard things were for Courtnie, she continued to fight. 

(B.A.C.A: Bikers Against Child Abuse)

She found happiness in helping others and decided to dedicate herself to it! She worked with mentally disabled women while attending the University of North Texas, and then grad school, to pursue a career as a child therapist to help children with troubled pasts.  She did all of this while constantly battling illnesses and excruciating pain that she would later have diagnosed..

Over the years, she’s been struggling with her health- both physically and mentally. At age 21, she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Since being diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and fighting through her pain, her mental health declined to a point where she also was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, Conversion disorder with episodes of pseudo-seizures, as well as severe anxiety. 

Unfortunately, when her mental health worsened, she decided to seek out psychiatric care which resulted in her removal from her Grad School Program and she was devastated. 

Still, she kept fighting. From there she decided to just start her career. She attempted many different positions from care provider, receptionist, assistant, salesperson, and even ride share programs. But, due to her constant pain and frequent onset illnesses, she hasn’t been able to maintain employment.

Due to many sinus infections, she was
diagnosed with chronic sintitus and underwent surgery to help slow infections. The thing is,when she becomes ill, she’s no longer able to take medications to stop the progression of her Rheumatoid Arthritis. This is something she will always have to live with. 

Times are especially hard for her now due to her high risk of contracting COVID-19 becuaseof her illnesses, and she has been unable to work since March of 2020. She is unable to receive any financial assistance by way of unemployment OR disability. She’s fighting to get disability just to survive and pay her ever increasing medical bills.

What little money she is able to earn is from her crafts- she knits & crotchets clothing and sells her pottery at local shops, restaurants, and online. (Link below) 


Help me lend her a hand! I’m humbly asking that we show a little love, hope, and support to someone who truly, and whole-heartedly, deserves it. 
Every single donation will help make a difference! Help me show her that she hasn’t been forgotten and that love and kindness are absolutely repaid, in one way or another.

Update on 9/15: She's created a new website!!! Please check it out! Links below :)


(Court, if you come across this, I love you and I’ll always have your back, pinky promise!)


Kayla Mayes
Ridgecrest, CA

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