Hope at Christmas - Volunteer with Refugees
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HOPE AT WINTER/ESPERANZA EN INVIERNO: with those who are suffering and with those who have been displaced by wars. Especially at this time of year, when many of us are in warm places, and others are suffering in cold weather, not because they want it to, but because of the siege of an unchosen war also currently many are experiencing frost, contaminated water and no electricity, whereas when we do not have energy, many products are damaged. Where I have seen the suffering of women, children, grandmothers, grandfathers, and disabled people.
I have been raising some funds, and where there are never enough funds around to be able to help the needs of millions of people, in the needs of their daily living. on a day-to-day basis, of those people who are suffering the ravages of war and insecurity. This Christmas was dark and cold for many people. I thought I'd share it with those who are going through moments of anguish, and suffering. I am traveling to Poland in mid-December to donate my time as a volunteer and at the same time be able to give a smile to those who do not have it or have lost it due to the harsh circumstances they are going through and living. For a minute put yourself in the shoes of these people and think about what you would like if you were in this situation, God bless you, and I ask you for help.
As you know, millions of people suffer. I will be for a month in Poland. Where much can be done with your help, everything will be the best possible and where everything is in God's hands. I am making this act of trust with the good advice of my spiritual director, although I will not have a job and will still be wanted when I return to the United States. I know that God will provide.
I will stay with the Religious brothers, Fathers who serve with the Caritas mission in Poland (see their website here: (https://caritas.przemyska)
But for now, I am reaching out to all of you to see if you feel called to do something to help the poor refugees in Poland, but perhaps can’t leave everything as I do. I want to take all of you with me. If all of you would prayerfully consider donating to my mission in the name of our Creator, you can join this effort from afar. We can all help in some way.
My goal will be to raise $3,999 for the mission, which will help to cover the costs of simple accommodation and help buy supplies and basics.
I also shared it with the organization helping and supporting refugees in the camp station. A little bit can go a long way to serve them in this time of pain, to bring them a smile and the love of God.
Know that I will be praying for you during this time of the mission. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:
email: [email redacted]
Nelson Mejia
Somerville, NJ