Donate hope for Jana / Doniraj nadez za Jana
Jana Arsovska (33 yrs) has been battling the very (very!) rare adult neuroblastoma, a "child" cancer that is very rare among adults. Since the diagnosis in 2015 she underwent operation for removing the left kidney and two stem-cell transplants in Flensburg, Germany.
Unfortunately, after the second transplantation, there have been found remains of the cancer in the bone marrow. The doctors strongly suggested that she should immediately continue the treatment with imunotherapy, but that request has been denied twice by Macedonia's Health Fund on irregular grounds - the commisions at the Fund stated that the treatment is not based on medical proof, which is a false statement, since the immunotherapy has been used widely across the world for years, and in Europe specificaly, has been approved by Great Britain, Germany, Spain and 95% of the EU countries. That approval is based on medical evidence, there are protocols based on decades of research. Unfortunately, the people at the health fund did not try to look for this evidence, and denied the urgent reccomedation of the doctors in Germany.
Since the institutional battle in Macedonia is SLOW (currently, we are awainting on the court appeal to return the case back at the fund and them maybe have a chance for another review and a new decision on the case) and we already lost 7 months in explanations with the fund and the Court of justice, we, the family, have decided that we must not lose any more time. Jana's condition is not getting better.
Luckily, we found a clinic in Barcelona that is willing to treat her with immunotherapy under the protocols of the World famous MSKCC (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre) for a price quite lower than the other clinics we've been talking to. They have sent us a price which is still pretty high for us to collect, 213.329 € only for the treatment, so we are asking you, people of the world, human people, people that know they live when they help and share, people who know that sometimes one's change can really make a change... to help Jana continue this brave battle she has been fighting for the last 5 years.
Every cent counts. Every good deed from you will mean the world to Jana. And, hopefully, will mean that she will live through this battle. She has the courage, she has the will. We, all of us, can give her the strength and hope to continue and live a long, happy life. The road is long, there have been and will be obstacles up ahead, but there is no mountain high enough where the humanity and the joint effort of the good hearts across the world could not climb.
The greatest price we will have is Jana's life. And her living to tell, to be a witness of the power of humanity. People coming together to save one of their kind. Because although life doesn't have price, sometimes unfortunately, it does. Is there a price too big, when life is in question?
No. And we will make it. Jana will make it. We, the family, are sure of that.
Thank you for your time. Thank you even more for your donation which is not just about money... it is about hope. Hope for Jana, so she can continue this battle, until she, and life itself, win at the end.