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Jaycey's Cancer Fund

Donativo protegido
This September four year old Jaycey developed a large lump on his arm. Soon two more under his arm and one on his neck developed and Jaycey's mom Brandy, Dad Dan and Grandma Kathy made the trip to OHSU where little Jaycey underwent testing and biopsies. Soon their worst fear was realized. Little Jaycey's lumps were malignant tumors believed to be lymphoma. They are still awaiting the final results but one thing is certain, Jaycey has a long road ahead of him. Chemotherapy lies ahead and many trips from their home in Sam's valley to the hospital in Portland. With a limited income these trips will be difficult and expensive. Your donation helps provide travel expenses, food and less stress for their family. Jaycey likes cars, dirt, bugs and minions just like most little boys his age. His smile lights up a room and he is full of energy. Your donation, prayers and shares provide a little more hope for our family in this difficult time.

Organizador y beneficiario

Angela Duke-Coey
Medford, OR
Brandy Aney
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