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Hope for Sara

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Sara, 18 years young, suffered a severe Acquired Brain Injury in October 2013 in Kanata, Ontario when she was hit by a car as a pedestrian crossing an intersection. Unconscious at the scene of the accident, she was revived by a nearby nurse giving her a second chance at life.

Sara cannot feed herself (requires a G-Tube through her stomach), cannot verbally communicate and cannot move voluntarily. She has incredible eye tracking ability, and moans mostly when she is in discomfort. With the help of neurotransmitting medications, her increased level of alertness allows her to answer "yes" questions with a long eye blink.

She is currently fighting to regain quality of life at the Slow to Recover program at the Hamilton Rehabilitation Center. Since Sara's admission to the rehab center on March 31st 2015, she has undergone orthopaedic and plastic surgeries, and Botox injections to correct physical contractures in lower and upper limbs which improved seating and posturing in her wheelchair. She will soon be discharged home (September), and will require 24/7 nursing care. Also, equipment such as a Motomed Bike ($10,000), a Shower Commode Chair ($3000) and a Standing Frame ($2500) are needed to help maintain the progress gained from the rehabilitation center in Hamilton, Ontario.

After aquiring a Brain Injury, the recovery and rehabilitation phase is forever ongoing, and will be apart of Sara's everyday life. A future goal of her family's is to admit Sara to The Carrick Brain Center in Irving, Texas, one of the best brain treatment centers across North America. The cost to attend this center is $6000/week excluding transportation and accommodations for family to support Sara throughout this emotional and life changing journey.

Since Sara's accident on October 29th 2013, her family and friends have been doing fundraisers within the community of Carleton Place and North Bay, Ontario to help raise money for her nursing care, equipment, and future goals to help Sara regain her life as a young adult.

We are turning to you, our community and support network for funds to help maintain everyday progress, and for overall achieving our long term goal of sending our loved sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, friend, acquaintance or stranger to a once in a lifetime Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center in Texas.

We, Sara's family, would like to thank you for your continued prayers, generosity, and support. We are extremely grateful, and would not be where we are today without all of you. Thank you in advance for your donations on GoFundMe.com

**To protect Sara's privacy and autonomy, photos after her accident aren't shared on the Internet


  • Chantal Galleguillos
    • $50
    • 4 yrs


Jessica Buckley
Carleton Place, ON

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