Hope's Frybread Dream to Reality
Hi, my name is Hope Peshlakai. My husband Aaron and I are on the verge of something great! This year we took a leap of faith and started a restaurant to serve up delicious Navajo food. After almost a decade of pop-up stands, catering gigs and food sales directly out of our kitchen, our dream of opening a permanent location is finally in the works. We love sharing our culture through food!
Born and raised on the Navajo Reservation we were taught by example to work hard for what we have. Aaron's grandmother was an entrepreneur, known for the baked goods, fresh tamales and, of course, frybread she would sell to make ends meet. From her humble home, Hope's grandmother would make simple, but amazing meals for her family including the mouth-watering chili beans you will find on our Navajo Tacos! These beautiful women were just some of the many examples of the "make it work" mentality that forged the path we strive to follow today.
We saved, planned and prepared as much as we could before committing to this venture. Of course in business not everything goes according to plan and we are nearing the end of our hard earned savings. We need a bit of extra support to reach the finish line.
We know that this is a big ask and we wish that our preparations were all that we needed, but the process of bringing a 100+ year old location up to acceptable standards came with some unexpected and expensive surprises.
Your contributions would help us with the final steps to get Hope's Frybread open in 2022!
2020 was a tough year for everyone, it certainly hit us hard with loved ones lost on both sides. After everything though, we are optimistic for the future. We hope you can see this restaurant the way we do, as a sign of good things to come.
We are grateful for your support and look forward to serving you at Hope's Frybread. Even if you aren't able to give financially, please share this post with your friends and family. Loads of love and light to you all!