Git’luuhl’um’hetxwit cabin and camp fund
The house of Tsi’basaa is currently actively occupying the 400 road on the date creek road outside Kispiox, B.C. to assert our authority and title over the land on Gitxsan territory and prevent any further destruction and clear cutting of our old growth forests.
We are currently building small infrastructure such as a cabin and an outdoor kitchen. We would like to make our camp into a beautiful and hospitable place with current and future land usage plans for things like children’s camps and reviving ancient trails for hiking and traditional medicine, plant recognition and usage, etc.
Our group is working hard on building our cabin and keeping constant occupation. Any funds donated will be used for camp costs, infrastructure, tools and media. We hope to set presidents with our movement towards recognition as having title and authority over our land as First Nations people. Being able to decide the fate of our land and precious resources should be left up to each house/clan/tribe/group of First Nations across country.
We are ever grateful for any support given and helping to share and make our cause known so groups like us everywhere can protect their land and be protected.
Please visit our website for more information.