Houston Apollos Wheelchair Lacrosse 2023 Season
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Help us get to Nationals!
Houston Adaptive Sports Club will be helping the Houston Apollos raise funds to travel to Milwaukee, WI June 24 for the "Big Cheese Classic" and to Buffalo, NY August 25 for the Nationals Tournament.
Last year your generousity provided us the resources to send our team to its first out of state tournament where we placed 2nd in the B division! Since then we have worked tirelessly to improve our team and to share this sport with others. We have put on clinics in Dallas and San Antonio, started a youth program, participated in weekly practices, and volunteered in events to promote access adaptive sports and recreation to all.
Your support will allow new and returning players the opportunity to compete with teams from around the country. Contributions will cover flights, hotels, transportation and team registration. Help as you can. But make sure you watch us! We are going to do great things!
Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWheelchairLacrosse
Thank you!
Fundraising team (12)
Louis Nicolosi
Houston, TX
Houston Adapted Sports Club
Bryant Payne
Team member
Zachary Fry
Team member
Trevor McCuiston
Team member
Zachary McCuiston
Team member