Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Houston Women's March

Donación protegida
Join the Houston Women's March on January 21, 2017! We're the official "sister event" in Houston for the National Women's March on Washington, DC.

Your donations will enable our local Houston free speech assembly to hire required certified peace officers to provide security as we gather at City Hall and register people to vote and encourage them to work for change. Additionally, your donation will help fund the Houston event website, sharing crucial information so participants are prepared to engage fully. 

Your donation is critical. We can't gather without the peace officers, and we need your help to hire them. 

"GoFundMe" asks us to explain: 

1. Who we are: Robin Paoli, one of the Steering Committee Chairpersons for Houston Women's March. 

2. Where you're from: I live and work in Houston, Texas, along with other Houston Women's March leaders.

3. Our relationship to the parties you're raising funds for:  I am the Steering Committee Chairperson accountable to the March for stewarding the money raised and using it for... #4 below 

4. How the funds will be used (be specific as possible)
hiring many peace officers (required!) for the safety of the marchers, event clean-up, City of Houston permits, the sound system, website, communications, event day support, and related items. All receipts and costs will be reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee and listed for donors.

5. We will withdraw the money to pay invoices for peace officers, event clean-up, permits, sound, website, communications, event day support, and related items. Any monies left over will be donated to the ACLU.  

Thank you for making the Houston Women's March a reality!


  • sue cox
    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Robin Paoli
Houston, TX

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe