How far would you hike for WATER?
Its estimated that 1.1 billion people..
which is one in six of the world’s population have to drink unsafe water every day.
A liberty we have that we don't give a seconds thought about..
Statistics show 1000 children under the age of 5 die every day from diarrhoea related to their lack of access to sufficient safe water.
A basic HUMAN right and privilege we take for granted has spurred me to help fund raise towards building a water dam in Uganda in support of a special charity that's particularly close to my heart-
The Humanitarian Initiative
Registration Number: 80020000875890.
Operating in Uganda at the moment with plans to expand to all African under-developed countries.
'Humanitarian Initiative, is a group of humanitarians and volunteers from different parts of the world taking initiatives of helping the needy and less fortunate, such homeless, street children, orphans, HIV/AIDS victims, abandoned old aged and young school dropouts, by providing new and second items, Such as :-Shoes, clothes, food, scholastic materials, skills for sustainability'
I ask you to kindly donate, even as little as £5.00 towards this cause helps!
Together we can make a change to help put a smile on these children's faces and make their hardships easy!
I will be walking 20 miles across London in hopes of raising money for this cause and welcome any support you can show however big or small!
Thank you for your support!