Gastos funerarios para Oriana Mendoza
Donation protected
Nos acercamos nuevamente a nuestros amigos, familiares, conocidos, a todos aquellos que puedan darnos su apoyo en este momento tan difícil y agradecidos infinitamente por las personas que ayudaron a Oriana en su campaña anterior, sinceramente Gracias.
Hace poco, se creó una campaña para poder ayudar a Oriana con todo la fé puesta en Dios para continuar su proceso de sanacion, ya que lamentablemente el 17 de Octubre de 2023 tuvo un accidente vial y quedó gravemente herida e inconsiente, con muchas lesiones, pedimos, rogamos a Dios todos estos meses por su sanidad, vimos a Oriana crecer, reír, disfrutar, llorar, amar y con tan solo 17 años y un montón de sueños pasó por estos terribles meses de angustia y dolor. Tanto ella como su familia y sus amigos, rogamos por un milagro, un milagro que lamentablemente no sucedió.
Me duele el corazón por ella y su familia que ahora necesitemos su apoyo para los gastos fúnebres, para darle la despedida que se merece. Ella era una niña brillante, realmente hermosa, noble y amable, era nuestra hija, nuestra sobrina, nuestra hermana, nuestra amiga, nuestra niña y nos unimos para honrar su memoria y despedirla con amor.
Los gastos funerarios lamentablemente son muy altos, por eso acudimos a ustedes y entendemos que son tiempos muy difíciles para todos, sabemos que cada uno tenemos nuestras luchas, pero cualquier apoyo que puedan brindar será de mucha ayuda y será muy apreciado. Si no pueden contribuir económicamente, por favor les pido difundan esta campaña, una palabra de aliento también es de gran consuelo para su familia que lo necesita grandemente.
Es un momento difícil y se que si nos unimos podemos aliviar el peso de este terrible momento para su mamá, sus hermanos, tías, tíos y familia. Estaremos siempre agradecidos por su genorisidad, amor y comprensión.
Oriana te amamos y te vamos a extrañar mucho!❤️
We once again reach out to our friends, family, acquaintances, to all those who can give us their support in this difficult time and infinitely grateful for the people who helped Oriana in her previous campaign, sincerely Thank u.
Recently, a campaign was created to help Oriana with all faith in God to continue her healing process, since unfortunately on October 17th, 2023 she had a road accident and was seriously injured and unconscious, with many injuries. . We asked, we prayed to God all these months for his healing, we saw Oriana grow, laugh, enjoy, cry, love and at only 17th years old and with a lot of dreams she went through these terrible months of anguish and pain. She, her family and her friends prayed for a miracle, a miracle that unfortunately did not happen.
My heart hurts for her and her family who now need her support for her funeral expenses, to give her the farewell she deserves. She was a brilliant girl, truly beautiful, noble and kind, she was our daughter, our niece, our sister, our friend, our girl and we came together to honor her memory and say goodbye to her with love.
Funeral expenses are unfortunately very high, that is why we come to you and understand that these are very difficult times for everyone, we know that each of us has our struggles, but any support you can provide will be very helpful and will be greatly appreciated. If you cannot contribute financially, please I ask you to spread this campaign, a word of encouragement is also of great comfort to your family who needs it greatly.
It is a difficult time and I know that if we come together we can ease the weight of this terrible time for his mother, his siblings, aunts, uncles and family. We will always be grateful for her generosity, love and understanding.
Oriana we love u and we are going to miss u very much! ❤️
Catherine Serrano
Nashville-Davidson, TN