Help Us Send Deserving Students To College!
Students in high school currently have little to no relevant guidance / resources to help develop their post-graduation plan.
We are developing a platform that will guide high school seniors through the college application / career planning processes—and we need your help!
There are 16 million young adults in the United States growing up without a mentor—a trusted adult, outside of their family, who they can turn to for advice and guidance.
Research has shown that at-risk youth who have a mentor are 55% more likely to enroll in college and 130% more likely to hold leadership positions.
Students currently have little to no guidance / resources to help develop their plan after high school. These same students are left to figure out the entire process alone. Existing mentoring services focus on future career goals (i.e. mentors tend to be older and already established in their careers) leaving a mentorship gap for short-term, immediate goals that are crucial for the success of long-term goals.
We aim to bridge that gap and make college a realistic goal for all students.
We believe that young people who have already been through a situation are best qualified to help guide other young people through the same situation. This keeps guidance / resources provided fresh and relevant to the small, yet crucial short-term goals that will result in the fulfillment of broader long-term goals.
Using a social media platform, we plan to provide digital resources, and one-on-one support to help high school students in the development of their “Success Blueprint.” This “Success Blueprint” consists of a module network that will walk students through a process of self discovery, career exploration, and the college financial aid / application process. Upon completion, students will have a personalized college plan tied to a real college student available for mentoring.
This is where you come in! We need funds to continue the professional development of our Success Blueprint and Mentoring Matching Network. We need $725 for the creating of a website domain, administrative costs, and student booklets for the program. The rest of the $1,000 will go towards the GoFundMe fee for the fundraiser.
The website domain would provide better accessibility and features for Mentees, Mentors, and Investors. Free website platforms like Weebly or Wix can cost up to $27-$29 monthly for higher performance associated with storage space (login ability, videos, information). Website domains range from $100-$150 annually, which is cheaper compared to the monthly cost for website providers.
Administrative costs include $205 for Non-Profit Organization registration fees and a $120 annual fee for P.O. box. This would aid in fulfilling requirements for grant/funding applications and for developing partnerships with established businesses and organizations.
Student Booklets will be used to help Mentees follow the mentorship program modules as they create their college plan. The associated cost of printing these materials will be $250. We are currently in the process of developing an Educational App to replace the mentorship booklets. This will be more environmentally conscious, accessible, and cost-effective for the program.
This initiative has been developed by Emily Anderson and Eric Okanume. College students ourselves, we realized just how difficult it was to navigate through the college application with the current resources available. We decided to do something about it.
For more information, please click here to fill out the newsletter interest form and click here to view our website.