Hugging-Princess Stacey Beebe
Dear family and friends,
My Aunt Stacey, also known as the hugging-princess, has been sick for about a year. Back in February she was having trouble swallowing and doctors identified a cancerous mass in her throat. Stacey is currently in ICU fighting for her life. After a year of doctor appointments, missed work, hospital stays, procedures, and surgeries, I would like to help Stacey and Brian cover some of their expenses and relieve some of their stress. They need to focus on what’s really important, getting Stacey healthy.
For those of you who know Stacey and Brian, you know that they always put others first. They’re avid supporters of their community and constantly involved with volunteer work, Fraternal Order of Police and Auxillary, 100 Club of Arizona, Former board members Tucson Community Cates Foundation (supports military families), Az CASA and other services for foster care children, and many more community service organizations.
Now they need our support, please consider donating to our hugging-princess. Anything helps, if you’re unable to donate, please share on your Facebook page, Twitter account or email or text this link to family, friends, neighbors and coworkers. And keep Stacey and Brian in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Thank you!!!