Huichol Man On the Mend from Broken Back In Need

The outpouring of love from people like yourselves, in addition to family, friends, tribal members and our non-profit organization, the Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts all joined together in prayer and action to garner the funds needed for the surgery, medicines and care that saved his life. We are now in the process of helping Kutemay restore not only his badly damaged bodily functions but his faith in his future. His strong, indomitable spirit, and your help, will allow him to continue in his role as a highly esteemed Huichol spiritual practitioner, a valued community leader and most of all, a loving husband and family man. Let's make this happen together. We can do it. Your kind donation of any amount will be put towards his continued round the clock care as the healing process makes him both physically and spiritually whole again. Tax deductible contributions from people from all walks of life can help provide the care needed for Kutemay to step into his new life.
The Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts was founded in 1991 and is located in Huejuquilla el Alto, Jalisco, and operates in service to the Huichol culture and people, the conservation of their spiritual traditions, language, indigenous education, permaculture, health and well being, In 2019 the organization was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Huichol Center Organization Patreon Page
Albany, CA
Huichol Center for Cultural Survival and Traditional Arts