My dear friend and his 4 children in Palestine
Donation protected

My name is Kandy Frederick, I'm from Northeast Ohio, and I am starting a fundraiser for my dear friend Youssef Bani Fadl. He lost his beloved wife two years ago, which left him to care for an infant and 3 other children on his own. Not only does Youssef and his family live under an illegal occupation and enduring a war, but his 14 year old daughter, Rafah, suffers a condition of blocked arteries in her foot, in which she will need several injections of a substance that closes the veins and branching in her foot to maintain the main artery, to keep it working as it should. Each injection can cost around $1000, in which in all, will probably cost around $10,000.
At only 12, after losing her mother, Rahaf has stepped up to being the best big sister that she could possibly be, helping her father to care for her younger siblings, to only then endure the effects of this war two years later.
Youssef will have to travel with Rahaf and his 3 younger children through checkpoints and into either Isreal or Jordan, in order for Rahaf to receive her treatments. With the lack of and sky rocketed prices of food, other necessities, and the lack of work, makes it even more difficult to travel in the West Bank due to the war. It has been extremely rough for Youssef to find any work in order to even feed his family. As a man who has always provided for his family, he many times feels a sense of hopelessness because they are barely surviving.
As many of you know, Ramadan starts this Monday. His 6 year old daughter looked at him just yesterday and said that she wanted to fast for Ramadan, his response was that she was still young yet. She then broke his heart in two when she said "I want to fast so that I can provide some food for my little brother".
I can't go another day hearing about all the atrocities my friend and his children are going through without trying to do something about it. I really hope that you can find it in your heart to help me raise at least enough money to cover Rahaf's treatments, for the travel there and back, food, and other necessities to get them through at least a few days or so.
As additional update, Youssef was recently shot in the foot, cannot work because of the strangulation and blockade imposed by Israel on them. And he can't travel anywhere because he takes care his four children alone, and he still doesn't have the money to secure food and the surgery for his child even more so now.
Even if it's just $5, please help me help them, every little bit really does help to make a difference.

Kandy Frederick
Canton, OH