Angels of God Building Fund
Tax deductible
UPDATE: ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT-WE HAVE ONE LAST EXTENSION till May 31st Midnight. On June 1st the building will be sold to someone else. A donation in any amount will help me meet my goal of purchasing the building for Angel of God that we have been renting. WE NEED TO RAISE $165,000 or a good amount so we can look into a mortgage.
Will you help me spread the word and share this with your friends and on Social Media? Tag anyone you think could help us. I need a host of Angels to help me continue to Provide a HAND UP to Those in Need.
(AngelsofGod.org )

**Angels of God Community Outreach is a 501c3 nonprofit charity. Every dollar you donate is tax-deductible**
BIG NEWS! I need a host of Angels to help me take the next step. I am so humbled by the community’s support. I want to thank you for believing in me and Angels of God’s mission at such a young age. I had a vision at 12 years old to provide clothing and more to those in need, and because of your support over the last 7 years, Angels of God ( www.AngelsofGod.org) has grown tremendously and has touched the lives of many.
As of Dec. 1st, 2016 Angels of God started renting the building right next door to our current location. I want to take a leap of faith and ask for the community’s help. I would like to take the next big step and have Angels of God purchase the building we are renting.
This will open more doors for Angels of God. We have worked the last seven years and done amazing things out of the small space we have but feel limited to what we can do. We find ourselves very crowded and on top of one another trying to work. The extra space would allow us to have more volunteers at one time and store large corporate clothing donations. Rather than rent storage units and drive back-and-forth to the units daily, we will be able to utilize the new space. Not only will that save time, but it will also save money.
The new space will also allow us to expand our current programs and implement a few new outreach ideas.
My name is Katelyn Darrow, and I am the founder of a non-profit organization, Angels of God Clothing Closet, located in Pitman, New Jersey. My mission is to give a HAND UP to those in need by providing clothing, food, toiletries and more. The clothing closet is set up in a storefront in Pitman, where referred clients can shop at no cost. I started my mission July 2009 at just 12-years-old. Angels of God works together with local churches, agencies, and shelters, for referrals of people we can help together.
Survivor of domestic violence and raised by a single mother, I have been able to turn my tragedies into a positive. A moment that defined me was when my mom, sisters and I had to pick up in the middle of the night and escape our abuser. We left wearing only the clothing on our back, abandoning many of our favorite possessions behind. A few years later we were faced with another obstacle – a house fire. Going from place to place without an official location to call home, not knowing where we were going to live the next day, was difficult.
Looking back, what impacted me the most was how people helped us. So many people in the community reached out to my family during our hardships. I’ll never forget the compassion and kindness that was shown. Now, giving back is my way of paying it forward. In 2009 at 12-years-old I started a 501c3 non-profit organization called, Angels of God Clothing Closet. My charity provides clothing and more for free to families in need. It’s heartwarming to help residents at the same domestic violence shelter that once assisted my family. We work with social services, homeless shelters and community leaders who refer clients to Angels of God. The clients are invited to come into the clothing closet storefront and go “shopping” at no cost. The center even has shopping carts and a dressing room! I know from personal experience that it can be difficult to keep your dignity in tough times. Sometimes, something as simple as a new outfit can put a smile on one’s face and make them feel beautiful.
Will YOU take this leap of faith with me to expand Angels of God? Together we can provide a HAND UP to those in need and make a difference in our community!
Will you believe in me and donate towards my goal to expand Angels of God and help even more people in need. Any amount is appreciated $5, $10 or more will help us meet to goal.
Never underestimate the difference one person can make.
Here are some of the ways Angels of God is making a difference.
Angels of God Outreach Programs:
Angels of God Clothing Closet has grown to more than just a Clothing Closet. We have become a community outreach.
Clothing Closet - With the way the economy is today, our organization wants to relieve financial stress from families by providing necessities. Our charity’s services are limited to seasonal “shopping sprees”, where disadvantaged clients can visit the Pitman storefront and shop for clothing that is given to them for free.
Food & Toiletry Bank - On site we have a small food and toiletry bank. Those in need can receive food and toiletries for free.
NEW THIS YEAR: Angels of God Sprinkle Squad Birthday Outreach- I always loved birthdays growing up. Cake, presents, etc! My mom always made us feel so special on our birthday. Looking back, I now realize it was not always easy for her to pull off that special day. The cost can make a birthday celebration out of reach. When families are struggling financially buying or baking a cake might not be possible. Decorations.... gifts... not possible! When you are living pay check to pay check celebrating a birthday can often be put on hold. Sadly sometimes indefinitely.
I want to change that! Join the Sprinkle Squad and help us provide a birthday cake, birthday gifts and a birthday bag that will consist of everything needed to make a birthday celebration special.
EXPANDED THIS YEAR: Angels of God Snack Bag Program- Do you stop to think about how lucky you are to have snacks or food to eat? Join Angels of God and collect and/or prepare healthy snack bags for local hungry children. Angels of God Community Outreach is expanding our Snack Bag Program to become a yearly project.We want to bring awareness to the struggles that lower-income families go through to feed their children. Every family that comes to us does not receive food stamps. We have several families where mom and dad are both working full-time jobs, but each person is only making minimum wage. That means, between the two of them, they are bringing in under $17 an hour. This makes it very hard to pay the bills and put food on the table at the same time. Buying extras or snacks is not possible. Qualified families will be eligible to pick up Snack Bags when they visit the clothing closet or food pantry.
Kibble Corner: The Angels Pet Food Pantry – For many people they struggle with the day-to-day expenses and the cost of putting food on the table for their families. Pet food is not always in the budget for the furry family member. The “Angels” have decided a section of our Food Panty to the fur babies! Families that come into Angels of God will now be able to receive pet food. Once a month we will also deliver to the elderly or disabled.
Bless This Dress Prom Dress Drive - Angels of God assists high school girls who want to attend their proms, but can’t because of financial difficulties. We want to make this a night to remember for a young girl, who despite financial hardships, would love to attend her prom like any other teen girl. We can help with the purchase a girl’s prom tickets and shoes. Girls will be invited to “shop” for their dream dress at no cost. LET’S NOT FORGET THE GUYS! The Angels can also help the gentlemen rent and tux and purchase a prom ticket.
Easter Baskets Project - Angels of God want to make sure EVERY child is greeted Easter morning with a tradition Easter Basket filled with goodies. Some of children that receive our Easter Baskets are living in domestic violence shelters or other county shelters. Sometimes parents are struggling financially, and it is a strain on the family to go out and purchase their child an Easter basket.
Annual Holiday Parties for Kids in Need - One of our missions at Angels of God is to create memories for children in need. Each year we hold an Easter & Christmas Party where we will invite area children living in homeless shelters and low income families to enjoy a fun filled day together. We know this is not a necessity, but we think it is a wonderful memory for a child in need. In the past, we have held roller skating and bowling parties. For some children this was their first time going to a roller rink or bowling alley.
Back to School Project - Angels of God will hold their annual Back to School Event each year for families in need. What makes our Back-to-School Event special is that the children get to come to our event, eat dinner, receive a back-to-school haircut, socks & underwear, and walk around from table-to-table and choose their own backpack and back to school items just like their peers.
Angels of God “Toes and Tushies” Campaign - Our goal is to provide new Socks and Underwear to needy children for the start of school. It is hard to imagine, but many children go without underwear and socks because their parents have to choose between new undergarments or paying the utility bills and putting food on the table. Something as simple as new underwear and socks can make a difference in a child’s/teen’s dignity. Changing in the locker room for a tween or teen can be very embarrassing if they are wearing underwear/bras that are old, too small, or too big.
Halloween Costumes – EVERY CHILD deserves to enjoy Halloween, no goblin or ghoul left behind! Each October we hold one special day that clients can come in to The Angels Clothing Closet with their children and let the kids pick out their favorite costume to show off on Halloween.
Thanksgiving Basket Give-a-Way - We want to provide overflowing Thanksgiving Baskets during this holiday, so families in need can celebrate Thanksgiving with a traditional meal.
Angels Toy Box Christmas Drive - Many children and families are in need of little extra help during the holiday season. Making ends meet day to day is a struggle, leaving very little resources for gifts for under the tree. In this time of great need, we look to the community to help us fill these gaps. Every child deserves a MAGICAL Christmas!
Annual Pancake Breakfast for Families in Need - We will invite those in need to come out for a free breakfast.
Funding Projects- When Angels of God has extra funding we try and help those in need. Here are some of this things we have helped with: beds, work uniforms, birthday bag, refrigerator, school uniforms, shoes, etc.
If you have any questions please feel free to call [phone redacted].
Please note: If we do not reach our goal, donations will go towards our outreach programs and operating expenses.
Will you help me spread the word and share this with your friends and on Social Media? Tag anyone you think could help us. I need a host of Angels to help me continue to Provide a HAND UP to Those in Need.
(AngelsofGod.org )

**Angels of God Community Outreach is a 501c3 nonprofit charity. Every dollar you donate is tax-deductible**
BIG NEWS! I need a host of Angels to help me take the next step. I am so humbled by the community’s support. I want to thank you for believing in me and Angels of God’s mission at such a young age. I had a vision at 12 years old to provide clothing and more to those in need, and because of your support over the last 7 years, Angels of God ( www.AngelsofGod.org) has grown tremendously and has touched the lives of many.
As of Dec. 1st, 2016 Angels of God started renting the building right next door to our current location. I want to take a leap of faith and ask for the community’s help. I would like to take the next big step and have Angels of God purchase the building we are renting.
This will open more doors for Angels of God. We have worked the last seven years and done amazing things out of the small space we have but feel limited to what we can do. We find ourselves very crowded and on top of one another trying to work. The extra space would allow us to have more volunteers at one time and store large corporate clothing donations. Rather than rent storage units and drive back-and-forth to the units daily, we will be able to utilize the new space. Not only will that save time, but it will also save money.
The new space will also allow us to expand our current programs and implement a few new outreach ideas.
My name is Katelyn Darrow, and I am the founder of a non-profit organization, Angels of God Clothing Closet, located in Pitman, New Jersey. My mission is to give a HAND UP to those in need by providing clothing, food, toiletries and more. The clothing closet is set up in a storefront in Pitman, where referred clients can shop at no cost. I started my mission July 2009 at just 12-years-old. Angels of God works together with local churches, agencies, and shelters, for referrals of people we can help together.
Survivor of domestic violence and raised by a single mother, I have been able to turn my tragedies into a positive. A moment that defined me was when my mom, sisters and I had to pick up in the middle of the night and escape our abuser. We left wearing only the clothing on our back, abandoning many of our favorite possessions behind. A few years later we were faced with another obstacle – a house fire. Going from place to place without an official location to call home, not knowing where we were going to live the next day, was difficult.
Looking back, what impacted me the most was how people helped us. So many people in the community reached out to my family during our hardships. I’ll never forget the compassion and kindness that was shown. Now, giving back is my way of paying it forward. In 2009 at 12-years-old I started a 501c3 non-profit organization called, Angels of God Clothing Closet. My charity provides clothing and more for free to families in need. It’s heartwarming to help residents at the same domestic violence shelter that once assisted my family. We work with social services, homeless shelters and community leaders who refer clients to Angels of God. The clients are invited to come into the clothing closet storefront and go “shopping” at no cost. The center even has shopping carts and a dressing room! I know from personal experience that it can be difficult to keep your dignity in tough times. Sometimes, something as simple as a new outfit can put a smile on one’s face and make them feel beautiful.
Will YOU take this leap of faith with me to expand Angels of God? Together we can provide a HAND UP to those in need and make a difference in our community!
Will you believe in me and donate towards my goal to expand Angels of God and help even more people in need. Any amount is appreciated $5, $10 or more will help us meet to goal.
Never underestimate the difference one person can make.
Here are some of the ways Angels of God is making a difference.
Angels of God Outreach Programs:
Angels of God Clothing Closet has grown to more than just a Clothing Closet. We have become a community outreach.
Clothing Closet - With the way the economy is today, our organization wants to relieve financial stress from families by providing necessities. Our charity’s services are limited to seasonal “shopping sprees”, where disadvantaged clients can visit the Pitman storefront and shop for clothing that is given to them for free.
Food & Toiletry Bank - On site we have a small food and toiletry bank. Those in need can receive food and toiletries for free.
NEW THIS YEAR: Angels of God Sprinkle Squad Birthday Outreach- I always loved birthdays growing up. Cake, presents, etc! My mom always made us feel so special on our birthday. Looking back, I now realize it was not always easy for her to pull off that special day. The cost can make a birthday celebration out of reach. When families are struggling financially buying or baking a cake might not be possible. Decorations.... gifts... not possible! When you are living pay check to pay check celebrating a birthday can often be put on hold. Sadly sometimes indefinitely.
I want to change that! Join the Sprinkle Squad and help us provide a birthday cake, birthday gifts and a birthday bag that will consist of everything needed to make a birthday celebration special.
EXPANDED THIS YEAR: Angels of God Snack Bag Program- Do you stop to think about how lucky you are to have snacks or food to eat? Join Angels of God and collect and/or prepare healthy snack bags for local hungry children. Angels of God Community Outreach is expanding our Snack Bag Program to become a yearly project.We want to bring awareness to the struggles that lower-income families go through to feed their children. Every family that comes to us does not receive food stamps. We have several families where mom and dad are both working full-time jobs, but each person is only making minimum wage. That means, between the two of them, they are bringing in under $17 an hour. This makes it very hard to pay the bills and put food on the table at the same time. Buying extras or snacks is not possible. Qualified families will be eligible to pick up Snack Bags when they visit the clothing closet or food pantry.
Kibble Corner: The Angels Pet Food Pantry – For many people they struggle with the day-to-day expenses and the cost of putting food on the table for their families. Pet food is not always in the budget for the furry family member. The “Angels” have decided a section of our Food Panty to the fur babies! Families that come into Angels of God will now be able to receive pet food. Once a month we will also deliver to the elderly or disabled.
Bless This Dress Prom Dress Drive - Angels of God assists high school girls who want to attend their proms, but can’t because of financial difficulties. We want to make this a night to remember for a young girl, who despite financial hardships, would love to attend her prom like any other teen girl. We can help with the purchase a girl’s prom tickets and shoes. Girls will be invited to “shop” for their dream dress at no cost. LET’S NOT FORGET THE GUYS! The Angels can also help the gentlemen rent and tux and purchase a prom ticket.
Easter Baskets Project - Angels of God want to make sure EVERY child is greeted Easter morning with a tradition Easter Basket filled with goodies. Some of children that receive our Easter Baskets are living in domestic violence shelters or other county shelters. Sometimes parents are struggling financially, and it is a strain on the family to go out and purchase their child an Easter basket.
Annual Holiday Parties for Kids in Need - One of our missions at Angels of God is to create memories for children in need. Each year we hold an Easter & Christmas Party where we will invite area children living in homeless shelters and low income families to enjoy a fun filled day together. We know this is not a necessity, but we think it is a wonderful memory for a child in need. In the past, we have held roller skating and bowling parties. For some children this was their first time going to a roller rink or bowling alley.
Back to School Project - Angels of God will hold their annual Back to School Event each year for families in need. What makes our Back-to-School Event special is that the children get to come to our event, eat dinner, receive a back-to-school haircut, socks & underwear, and walk around from table-to-table and choose their own backpack and back to school items just like their peers.
Angels of God “Toes and Tushies” Campaign - Our goal is to provide new Socks and Underwear to needy children for the start of school. It is hard to imagine, but many children go without underwear and socks because their parents have to choose between new undergarments or paying the utility bills and putting food on the table. Something as simple as new underwear and socks can make a difference in a child’s/teen’s dignity. Changing in the locker room for a tween or teen can be very embarrassing if they are wearing underwear/bras that are old, too small, or too big.
Halloween Costumes – EVERY CHILD deserves to enjoy Halloween, no goblin or ghoul left behind! Each October we hold one special day that clients can come in to The Angels Clothing Closet with their children and let the kids pick out their favorite costume to show off on Halloween.
Thanksgiving Basket Give-a-Way - We want to provide overflowing Thanksgiving Baskets during this holiday, so families in need can celebrate Thanksgiving with a traditional meal.
Angels Toy Box Christmas Drive - Many children and families are in need of little extra help during the holiday season. Making ends meet day to day is a struggle, leaving very little resources for gifts for under the tree. In this time of great need, we look to the community to help us fill these gaps. Every child deserves a MAGICAL Christmas!
Annual Pancake Breakfast for Families in Need - We will invite those in need to come out for a free breakfast.
Funding Projects- When Angels of God has extra funding we try and help those in need. Here are some of this things we have helped with: beds, work uniforms, birthday bag, refrigerator, school uniforms, shoes, etc.
If you have any questions please feel free to call [phone redacted].
Please note: If we do not reach our goal, donations will go towards our outreach programs and operating expenses.
Angels of God
Pitman, NJ
Angels Outreach