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Special Olympics Fundraiser

Hey, my name is Kaiden Brenneman-Sorenson. I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Waukesha South High School in Waukesha Wisconsin. My sister, Breanna Sorenson, is 24 years old and is also a graduate of Waukesha South, she was diagnosed with down syndrome and epilepsy at birth. Breanna is funny, energetic and witty; there are millions of other individuals who have special needs. My senior project for AP Literature and Composition is to raise awareness and money for over 4 million people who struggle with disabilities. Please help support the 4 million American athletes by donating to the Special Olympics to help them continue operations.

100% of the money raised from this GoFundMe will go straight to the USA Special Olympics.

Thank you for donations, anything truly helps.
Breanna and I getting ice cream!

Donaciones (4)

  • Hunter Sorenson
    • $30
    • 10 meses
  • Robert stewart
    • $200
    • 11 meses
  • Dawn Brenneman
    • $40
    • 11 meses
  • Dawn Brenneman
    • $50
    • 11 meses
Sé uno de los primeros en colaborar

Tu donación es importante



Kaiden Brenneman-Sorenson
Waukesha, WI
Special Olympics, Inc

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