I need your help to treat my medical condition
Donation protected
Hello! My name is Lily Hansen and I am a four time author, TED speaker, and actor.
After a long and successful career in which I had almost perfect health I was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, which is a condition that affects your female organs. Since October 2021 I have been in chronic pain, around the clock. This condition has gotten worse by the day and has been debilitating to both my life and work. I had to stop working for several months, lost a few of my biggest corporate clients because I couldn't meet deadlines, and incurred major medical bills because I was brought to the hospital twice for infections and burst cysts on my ovaries. There is speculation that the vaccine made this underlying condition go from a two to a 200 right after my second dose.
I had sought medical care in the States however the doctors I saw either overlooked my condition, did not act fast enough, or wanted to do multiple and unnecessary operations that would have put me out of work for months. Instead, I came to London, where I used to live with an ex beau, to seek medical treatment. Endometriosis is widely studied in the UK because it affects so many women. They are passionate about studying and improving female healthcare. It is wonderful.
I was scheduled to have my laser surgery and begin on a series of medication this week and had to postpone both My insurance will not cover the surgery overseas and my credit card company wouldn't up the limit. I always had perfect credit before this medical condition and now I do not because I was in survival mode. This could happen to anyone. I feel so grateful that I have the courage to speak out.
I am asking for help to pay for my surgery and cost of living while I am in the UK.
If I could describe the pain I have been in it is like knives in my pelvic area morning, noon, and night. It is hard to sit down for long periods of times, difficult to sleep, and I shake a lot of the time from pain. It has been said that I probably have PTSD from all of the stress as well.
Any sort of financial contribution would be greatly appreciated. This is your way to help someone who has done a lot of good in the world and to also make a statement about how America's medical system needs to change. With the utmost gratitude, Lily Hansen, People Whisperer
P.s. Thank you to my friend Darrell Talbert for encouraging me to do this. I have a very hard time asking for help. You are an angel in my life.
Lily Hansen
Chicago, IL