I Love Israel - Seed Capital Crowdfunding Campaign
This 12-minute video presents: (a) Some of the reasons why Israel should be admired, (b) The research data on how badly Israel is losing the information war, and (c) How a new website, ILoveIsrael.me, will help to not only better defend Israel, but to *champion* her. Learn about our Seed Capital Crowdfunding Campaign below.
Read our October 17, 2021 press release, announcing this fundraiser, here.
Mission: To become the world’s premier go-to resource for evidence-based information about what makes Israel such an remarkable, inspiring nation.
Vision: To enable a growing, robust ecosystem of journalists, educators, political figures, activists and influencers to use and contribute to I Love Israel resources, to help advance the public’s understanding of Israel, in a measurably more efficient way than present methods allow.
I Love Israel ("ILI") has incorporated, built "version 1.0" of its website, at https://iloveisrael.me/, and submitted its application for 501(c)3 nonprofit charity designation with the IRS. According to IRS rules (documented here ), ILI is now able to solicit donations for until October 2023, that will become tax-deductible if/when it is granted 501(c)3 recognition.
The following are the objectives that will be pursued with whatever money is raised from this campaign:
(1) Pay ILI’s founder to devote an estimated six months to doing its start-up work, including: (a) Recruiting 2 additional board members (for a total of 3); (b) Researching and develop a comprehensive business plan for ILI’s long-term operations; (c) Recruiting ILI’s top executives, advisers, and key allies
(2) Retain a law firm with deep experience in representing nonprofits, particularly in the Israel-advocacy realm (here and here are reasons why this is so important)
(3) Retain an accounting firm, to provide counsel on quality software to track ILI’s income and expenses, produce tax returns, and prepare periodic use-of-proceeds statements for donors
(4) Retain a digital marketing firm, to design and implement means by which to help promote the Campaign to those most likely to have interest in it
(5) Produce the initial series of ILI-branded audio interviews , with two early allies who are experts in complementary aspects of chamioining Israel
Detailed documentation about ILI's top seed capital funding priorities, how the money raised from this campaign will be used --and accounted for, its legal status, and more, is at https://iloveisrael.me/sccc/
Submit inquiries to https://iloveisrael.me/contact/.
The following are some of the questions ILI has regularly heard from allies, donors and prospective donors. ILI created a page to address all of them, here. Click on the numbers at left to go to ILI's answer to that question:
(1) How can I Love Israel solicit donations if it’s not already an approved 501(c)3 charity?
(2) I Love Israel is new. How will it account to donors for its expenditures?
(3) There are so many organizations that claim to be fighting for Israel in the information war. What makes I Love Israel different?
(4) Can you provide a practical example of how pro-Israel activism could change if ILI becomes a reality?
(5) What is ILI’s target market?
(6) Does ILI view itself as a competitor of existing pro-Israel organizations?
You can also donate by check, to:
I Love Israel, Inc.
PO Box 6971
Charlottesville, VA 22906
Steve Jobs offered numerous insights into how he was able to return to Apple, as it was on its knees, 90 days away from financial implosion, and turn it into the world's most valuable corporations, that didn't just survive, it revolutionized numerous industries.
The insight by Jobs that is most applicable to ILI, however, is far broader, as it relates to what Ayn Rand called one's "sense of life" -- how one views their own existence, and the impact they can have on the environment around them. What Jobs describes here is a core belief that will animate ILI, and everything we create, and do.
ILI seeks to recruit leaders, allies and donors who share this belief, who recognize the tragic situation facing Israel, and why fresh thinking is so urgently needed to turn back present trends.