iCare Nepal
Donation protected
Each year globally, approximately half a million women die because of complications during pregnancy or childbirth and 99% of maternal deaths occur in developing countries. In Nepal, this equates to 5 women dying everyday due to pregnancy and related complications. Early identification and referrals of pregnancy-related complications have the potential to significantly reduce maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality.
Our team is working with One Heart World-Wide, a non-profit organization that establishes sustainable maternal and neonatal health programs in rural Nepal. One of their most innovative programs is a partnership with the Ministry of Public Health that equips Skilled Birth Attendants with training and technology to do ultrasounds in rural community health centers, screening for high-risk patients and referring them to hospitals for appropriate care.
As students of the Master of Health Care Delivery Science Program at Dartmouth, our team consists of physicians, design and lean experts, global health specialists, and public health and health policy leaders. Our project, Improving Complications and Referral Experience known as ICARE-Nepal, will assist the Ministry of Public Health and One Heart World-Wide with assessing the rural ultrasound program and designing and implementing solutions to increase referral rates, connecting women and newborns with the care they need.
But we need your help. Every donation goes directly to project activities and helps our team develop systems and implement solutions in real time and on the ground in Nepal with One Heart World-Wide. If successful, this project will spread to other areas and countries in need. Your donation will have more than a global reach. It will have a life long, life changing impact.
Saving lives. Shaping the future. ICARE Nepal.
Your team,
Patrick Chang, MD
Mike Gilbert, MD
Linda Grossheim, MD
Mark Litterer, MBA
Sarah Mintz, MA
Kelli Todd, MPH
Fundraising team: iCare Nepal MHCDS 2020 ALP (4)
Michael Gilbert
Concord, NH
Patrick Chang
Linda Grossheim
Team member
Kelli Todd
Team member
Mark Litterer
Team member