I.C.E. Basketball Camp Scholarship Fund 2024
Tax deductible
Each summer, boys on the varsity basketball team at the Institute for Collaborative Education get the experience of a lifetime. For one week, they attend Point Guard College (PCC), one of America's premier basketball camps. The boys expand their skills on and off the court through an intensive curriculum focused on skill and leadership development. They get to escape New York City for a week and gain early exposure to being in a college setting by staying in the dorms at Wheaton College (MA) and attending three lecture-style classes daily.
Since starting this initiative, we've sent over 30 student-athletes, with our largest group (12) attending last July. As one of our most recent participants wrote following his experience at the camp, "PGC actually changed my life." PGC has impacted our student-athletes in ways we never imagined, which is why we've been so committed to providing the opportunity for them to attend each summer.
In addition to covering the $1,095 it will cost to send each kid to camp this summer, we also need to coordinate and cover transportation to and from the camp. We've gotten our student-athletes to camp each summer thanks to generous donors, and this year we're hoping to keep the tradition and get ten more kids to PGC in July.
Please support us in ensuring that our kids can continue their development and become the best versions of themselves on and off the court.
With gratitude.

Fundraising team (2)
Lisa Bleyer
New York, NY
I.C.E. Foundation
Wali White
Team member