International College Nutr / Fx Med
Donation protected

International College of Human Nutrition (ICHNFM.ORG , founded in Portland Oregon USA and now also based in Barcelona Spain) is an efficient and effective group of expert-level professors and doctors seeking to provide high-level expertise to healthcare professionals and the general public on important topics in healthcare, nutrition, and functional medicine. Functional medicine is the science-based approach of understanding and treating complex health conditions by understanding and addressing each of the underlying components; for an article that reviews these ideas, please see the 2006 review by Dr Vasquez: Article PDF link [1]
Proven Leadership and Prolific Authorship
ICHNFM Director Dr Alex Vasquez is the only clinician in the world to have earned 3 doctorate degrees in 3 different healthcare professions. Dr Vasquez has published more than 20 books and more than 100 articles and letters in many of the world's leading biomedical journals including TheLancet.com, JAMA, JAOA, JMPT, British Medical Journal, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, and Arthritis & Rheumatism, the Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology.

Efficiency and Effectiveness at ICHNFM
ICHNFM is extremely efficient in the use of available funds to directly support research and publication efforts. We have very low overhead with minimal support staff; this translates into allowing available funds to directly support our professors and editors with minimal overhead because we do not have to support a bricks-and-mortar office space replete with administrative and secretarial staff. We happily pay people for productive contributions of talent; for example we publish a journal (see IJHNFM_2014 [2] and IJHNFM_2015 [3]) that is growing and in need of support for Editors and Reviewers. Beside our Journal, our other educational projects include online educational videos, the publication of books and clinical monographs, and publishing articles and letters in peer-reviewed biomedical journals to enhance (and often correct) the biomedical research record. Recent publications have included journals such as Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2014 [4], Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2014 [5], Nutritional Perspectives 2015 [6], and Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2016 [7].

Our Work is Innovative and Important
The work is rewarding but intense and time-consuming. Repeating the "medical dogma" of a "pill for every ill" is very simple and requires no thinking; in contrast, studying hundreds of biomedical journal articles and hours and days of conference presentations in order to gain new insight into disease pathophysiology and new treatment opportunities requires weeks and months (years, actually) of diligent study, the preparation of articles and books, and the constant review of new publications to ensure that these new disease models and innovative treatment approaches maintain their accuracy for the highest possible clinical value: safety, effectiveness, and the widest availability (known in medical ethics as "distributive justice." Please help support this ongoing daily work; donations of $60 or more are rewarded with access to our Journal publications and our online video archives of tutorials, courses, and recordings of live presentations.
How to Help
Smaller contributions help maintain and encourage the effort and work involved; larger contributions are appreciated and are rewarded in kind with return gifts of video access, webinars, books. "Indirect contributions/support" is also appreciated via purchase of ICHNFM books, for example at Amazon.com [8].
Thank you for your Support
Thank you for supporting these contributions to healthcare, patient care, and "independent journalism" (not drug protocols sponsored by drug companies and published as "science") and education for professionals, students, and the general public. We are actively working on translating our clinical work into other languages in order to help a broader audience of doctors, patients, professors/teachers, policymakers, and the general public. Our many projects include:
— Ongoing review and compilation of research
— Publications of new protocols in books, monographs, and peer-reviewed publications
— Supporting faculty with a modicum of reimbursement so they can afford to participate
— Translation of finished projects into other languages
— Applying for certifications and accreditations (eg, $18,000 direct cost for application fee)
— Keeping prices low so that the information is either completely free to the public (eg, our videos and articles) or available at a low or reasonable cost
Would SIX free videos inspire you to help us?
If so, please have a look at this page on chronic pain, migraine, and fibromyalgia: http://www.ichnfm.org/#!blank/dj0i4
Would a free article inspire you to help?
If so, please have a look at this article: http://www.ichnfm.org/#!blank/rcfmy
Would a free video inspire you to help us?
If so, please have a look at this video: http://www.ichnfm.org/#!blank/xv0mk
Would a free interview inspire you to help us?
If so, please have a look at this interview: http://www.ichnfm.org/#!blank/ezga0
Would a new way of appreciating and treating viral infections inspire you to help us?
If so, please have a look at this article: http://www.ichnfm.org/#!blank/qwr1v
Links to sample ICHNFM articles, examples of work:
1. http://intjhumnutrfunctmed.org/reprints/vasquez-2006-weblike-connections.pdf
2. http://www.intjhumnutrfunctmed.org/journal/2014/
3. http://www.intjhumnutrfunctmed.org/journal/2015/
4. http://www.intjhumnutrfunctmed.org/reprints/vasquez_2014_mitochondrial_medicine_editorial_original.pdf
5. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11882-014-0454-4
6. https://www.academia.edu/16360218/
7. http://www.nature.com/nrrheum/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nrrheum.2016.25.html
8. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_27?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=international+college+of+human+nutrition+and+functional+medicine&sprefix=international+college+of+hu%2Cstripbooks%2C253
Alex Vasquez
Alloway, NJ