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Idaho Humanitarian Aid For Ukraine -Trip to UA

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My name is Tanya, I had the privilege of joining members of a local Idaho Humanitarian Team that went to Ukraine last month. I am collecting extra funds that would be used to purchase food, medicine and other necessities and delivering it to the people directly again for my next trip. Many of you know that I have put my whole heart in to Humanitarian Drives for Ukraine here locally, and to be able to go to Ukraine again would be amazing! I want to do more, so much more! 
This is for those who would like to support me in this effort. Keep all of us and Ukraine in your prayers. God Bless! 100% will be used for the cause. Thank you for your support! 

Here is the link where you can learn what impact Idaho Humanitarian Aid for Ukraine has done so far.


Tanya Petruchok
Meridian, ID

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