IDA's Work Hard Stay Hard 2023 Fundraiser
Tax deductible
For the beautification and accessibility of the land! For the sake of structures! Support the QTBIPOC stewards! Sustain IDA as a place of love, creativity and expression!
This will be the first Work Hard Stay Hard event since 2019 and we are so excited to be back! The secluded Tennessee acreage of IDA needs our help to maintain the land and structures to help promote the longevity of the land project. With years between now and the last Work Hard event, with residents moving off of the land and with the covid pandemic slowing down visitors the current stewards need our help to get work done. The list of repairs, new builds, and general maintenance is long and with your financial contributions, we will be able to begin the process of fixing, rebuilding, and repairing. WHSH is a gift, a pointed effort at shouldering some of the organizational and financial burdens of the regular tending and repair of Ida’s basic infrastructure.
We are raising funds for the week-long event to be held May 27th - June 4th 2023.
Funds will be allocated to the following:
• building supplies/materials
• landscaping materials
• providing food for attendees
WHSH is the beginning - this event is going to make so many things possible at IDA. We look forward to getting back to hosting art and garden residencies as well as workshops, events and retreats.
Please share this fundraiser online or with anyone that may be able to contribute in some way. Anything helps!
-IDA & Friends
Eujean Mean
Dowelltown, TN
Idyll Dandy Arts