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I'm Mogwai, need help intensive care...

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My name is MOGWAI, I am a 16 year old senior. Nice to meet you.

I like to eat and play with brothers. But recently I've been feeling bad for about week...actually really bad. I can't eat food, can't stop vomiting, I'm always thirsty :( When I try to walk around, my body gives out so I stay in the corner of the room.

I don't like clinics but I think I need it. I swear, I WON'T scratch, bite, and kick the Veterinarian Doctors and nurses :)

Update March.22.2021: I need to stay in intensive care for about 10 days. My Doctor says the test results show I have renal failure :( Therefor I need fluids around the clock. The cost will be about $3,000 and I need help with $1,000 please.

BUN 254 (Normal value 14 - 36 mg/dL)
Creatinine 9.6 (Nornal value 0.6 - 2.4 mg/dL)

My Clinic is:
Pet Hospital of Granbury
1851 Acton HWY
Granbury, Tx 76049
Dr. Kenneth Ford

Thank you,


Mogwai Lulu
Granbury, TX

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