I'm robbed of my European Rights! Please support!
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Note: Receipts for donations can be provided! Feel free to contact me!
email: [email redacted] or feel free to drop me a message on my social media handles!
I am robbed of my European Rights by territorial law. Please support me to raise my 24/7 Personal Assistance funding to be able to study and live my daily life like every other European Citizen! The goal of the Fundraiser is the coverage for my personal assistant care during my one-year creative writing masters program. It does not include any cost of living expenses. But I am also dependent on care, otherwise, I CAN NOT PARTICIPATE!
I want to be able to reside as every other European citizen, but for that, I need your help, and here’s why:
I am Evelyne, a 35-year-old disabled female artist, and writer, I’ve been accepted for a Creative Masters’ program at the National University College Cork. It’s a massive privilege and a chance you get “Once in a lifetime”. Ireland and Writing were two things that were calling me since I was a child. I had this deep-rooted sense of belonging in me. A vocation that never stopped buzzing in my head – like white noise – a craving I was never able to satisfy. It was always accompanied by a sense of restriction, a sensation of not being valued. Since I’ve been connected to Ireland that has changed. I felt like myself, and I was inspired to write, and work for my goals. I was finally able to breathe, to show my true self to the world. My dream was reachable, my vocation was becoming real. I’ve written nine books so far, waiting to be picked up by a publisher. One of them I Self-published.
I am a European citizen currently residing in Germany. I want to continue to write and build my career as a writer with the Postgraduate Masters Program that has been offered to me. I am a published author, and a Human Rights Activist so really there should be no problems in me moving to another EU State to take up education, & receiving reciprocal rights under mutually agreed EU law.
No problems at all arise unless like me you are classed as disabled. In order to stay alive & live some semblance of an independent life daily, I must have 24/7 support, provided by a Personal Assistant.
My world was crushed – from one moment to another. My care organization refused to finance my care assistant in Ireland when I am a permanent resident – The Reason: I am bound by the territorial law of Germany. I am a Person with a Disability who requires support,; I am a social welfare case, and I am bound to the national welfare. This means that I – and therefore all people with disabilities – are apparently disabled from partaking in their rights as a European Citizen. This is clearly a severe Human Rights Issue. It was no question that this had to change and I had to fight for it.
I wrote an appeal and highlighted the violation of multiple articles of the UNCRPD, Point 3 “Enjoying EU Rights”, and 3.1. “The right to reside and move freely” of the European Disability Strategy 2021-2030, and, of course, the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union: I informed, various Irish and German entities. (Politicians, Organisations; Activists.) I was stunned by the support I got from Ireland – but alas, nothing but radio silence from Germany. (There was one newspaper that had approached me because a personal assistant I knew had a friend who’s working there, but that’s it) whereas on the Irish side, everyone I’ve approached cared and tried to help. I kept fighting and pushing with those great helpers joining in, for myself and my community. I realized somebody has to change this. For the future for others that might follow.
My appeal got refused again, but it came with a loophole, they offered to at least fund the time of my studies when I withdrew the Legal complaint I’d filed. I told them I wouldn’t do that until I had something written in my hands, that I was allowed to go, and that the funding would be granted for the period of my Master’s program.
Now, 3 weeks later, I still haven’t received anything final on paper and they’re finding another bureaucratic issue they can delay the process with.
After years of corresponding funding organizations, I can tell, that this is a tactic. They want to drag it out until my studies begin, simply saying, they want me to give up. But that won’t happen. I deserve my education, WE DESERVE THE RIGHT OF EDUCATION, we deserve the chance to say yes to such once-in-lifetime opportunities, and to see how far our potential can lead us when we are offered an opportunity, cause we are European Citizens. This GoFundMe Page is an attempt to regain control. A fight against a failure in the system and systematic discrimination. I don’t want to lose my chance to become a writer and build a career as such, to also raise awareness about all these hidden issues through my forms of art. Furthermore, I will continue to fight throughout this fundraiser and afterward. My goal is not only to raise money for the care assistants for the period of my studies, I am determined to push this issue forward and find a solution for it. Writing and activism are essential for me and will be my constant companion whilst I am studying at the UCC.
Please support and show solidarity, not just for my ability to study, but for a greater cause and a possibility of change!
Let us make a statement against systematic discrimination.
Together we are stronger!
Let’s build and be a UNION OF EQUALITY!
With love and dignity,
Picture @ CorkEchoLive, The piece where it's used was written by @Ellen O'Regan!
Follow me to keep up to date:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CynkEvelyne
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/EvelyneMCynk
Here are some links to get more insight into the legal framework:
UN-CRPD: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities.html
All versions are available through this link!
European Disability Strategy 2021-2030: https://www.un.org/development/desa/disabilities/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2021/04/European-Strategy-2021-2030_EN.pdf
EU CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/charter/pdf/text_en.pdf
And for those who are interested:
Here's the link to the novel I've self-published:
UK/Ireland: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B084V9K5NK
CorkEchoLive : https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-40931765.html
Irish Examiner : https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-40851641.html
WAZ : https://www.waz.de/wochenende/eine-frau-aus-bochum-kaempft-um-ihr-recht-auszuwandern-id235529345.html
Cork's 96fm Opinion Line : https://shows.acast.com/corks-96-fm-opinion-line/episodes/difference-between-german-and-irish-disability-experience
UCC 98.3 FM https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ReenbTZ0CJxh2Y8yBgxR5?si=qT62EBCwTdqrvSJOXG6qBghttps://open.spotify.com/episode/5ReenbTZ0CJxh2Y8yBgxR5?si=qT62EBCwTdqrvSJOXG6qBg
Irish Independent: https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/education/german-student-with-cerebral-palsy-fights-for-funding-so-she-can-come-over-to-study-at-ucc-42262855.html
CorkEchoLive: https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41179750.html
WAZ: https://www.waz.de/wochenende/behindertenaktivistin-aus-bochum-droht-die-raeumungsklage-id239802145.html
CorkEchoLive: https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41240464.html
TheIrishTimes: https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/social-affairs/2024/01/07/student-has-no-option-but-to-commute-between-germany-and-ireland-due-to-gap-in-disability-support/
Coming soon: Homepage! With details and continuous updates, as well as other snippets of WIPS of my mine, like parts of my unpublished trilogy Kaleidoscope which focuses on life with a disability and its struggles!
Take care and stay tuned!

Evelyne Cynk
Bochum, Nordrhein-Westfalen