I'M WITH COMMON SENSE: Support Dr. Steve Keen
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Printing $7.5 Trillion was based on a lie. Support common sense and Dr. Steve Keen in reversing this upside-down economy.
There's a reason why the world's most renowned Universities like Harvard and Princeton... and even the Government of Hungary have been recently consulting Dr. Keen to fix this mess.
Inflation was as high as 9.1% last year, and doesn't seem to be slowing down.
All prices have made cost of living unbearable for the average person. Not just in the US, but the UK, Australia - worldwide!
Nobody can afford these grocery and gas prices.
Nobody can afford these home prices.
Nobody can afford this any longer.
Not to mention the Earth is boiling and scientists are screaming.
All the while, company profits have reached RECORD-HIGHS. And CEOs are picking the tire color for their shiny, red Ferrari's.
Even a toddler can tell you this isn't right. We need a change. We need it now.
Dr. Steve Keen has been fighting this David vs. Goliath battle for over 50 years (yep, more than half a century)...
To make a just society, built on TRUTH - not lies.
Dr. Keen famously predicted the 2008 collapse, and he sees the same story playing out again.
And since the pandemic, it's just gotten worse.
See, the world economy and cost of living is based on the US dollar.
And the 400+ economists at the Federal Reserve, in charge of the value of the US dollar...
Made the decision to print $7.5 Trillion (the most in human history, ever!)...
Based on sound science and rock-solid principles.
NOPE! Just kidding. Based on faulty math, ZERO common sense, and science that even an 8-year-old could disprove.
The Fed isn't controlled by the smart economists we're led to believe.
They're actually run by flawed economists. Proven to be bought out by lobbyists and greedy trillionaires (that's a T, not a B) from capital giants like Blackrock and Vanguard - to do their bidding.
They want us to suffer. So they use our labor to keep getting richer.
Their economics are as fake as the rich lives they lead.
What happened when Dr. Keen went to expose this flawed science, and bring the world back to truth?
He got his research funding cut.
He got kicked out of the University of Western Sydney.
He was forced to struggle. Putting food on the table using crowdfunding from Patreon alone. Leaving him and his wife hungry.
All this for standing up for what's right and the science? This isn't right.
They want to distract us with wars, drama, and TikTok videos... but the cold hard truth is this: nobody will stand up for this injustice.
But we can’t do it without you. Lots of you.
If you're on the right side of history...
On the side of standing up for 'the little guy'...
On the side of basic math, science, and a little common sense...
Then you're on Dr. Keen's side.
But how do we ACTUALLY fix this? By showing the world proof.
Dr. Keen needs $1 million in funding to create the Keen Institute of Real Economics Research. And at least $500K to finish his 'economic truth calculator' - Ravel.
The economic proof from Ravel will expose the lies for good. And let anybody, even with the education of a toddler - to disprove economic lies. This will finally bring truth to the light for once.
...Eventually leading to reforming economic policy in the US, the UK, Australia... and eventually the world.
Yes, we know it's a huge goal. But the world depends on us. Which is why Dr. Steve Keen has been fighting this fight all his life.
He just turned 70 years old and needs your help.
Without this common sense proof our world will keep suffering, the poor will get poorer, and the rich will keep getting richer...
Dr. Steve Keen simply asks you to stand up for the little guy. Stand up for what's right. And stand up for common sense.
Because if not, the world will only get worse.
Be the common sense hero your community needs, and save the world with us.
1. Donate. Your donation will go directly towards funding the creation of a) the Keen Institute of Real Economic Research and b) the Ravel software for Economic truth. And all heroes that donate will get a free copy of Ravel (usually $500/year) once it releases to show you're WITH COMMON SENSE.
Even our most common donation, $50 will help. Every penny counts on our shoe-string budget.
3. Support real scientists and economists, and amplify their calls to action. Not because it's comfortable, but because it's the truth.
P.S. I'm Jordan Schwann - Dr. Keen's Research assistant.
Jordon Schwann
Mesa, AZ