Immunotherapy Expenses for Chief Ninawa's Family
ENGLISH BELOW(Translated from original text by Chief Ninawa)**
Aldenira is my companion in many important hours of resistence and in the day to day. Aldenira is a mother, a sister, and a great warrior who has all my affection and admiration.
Aldenira is a great activist of social movements in Brazil, especially in the state of Acre. She is a great defender of environmental causes, health, education, workers rights, and tireless defender of indigenous causes. For many years she has been by my side fighting for a better world for all humanity. We have faced many great fights in and out of Brazil alongside many of our fellow fighters.
Right now, my partner and friend Aldenira is undergoing a delicate treatment of cancer of the floor of the tongue, with metastasis to the cervical region and lung. She has done three types of chemotherapy with all known active principles and cancer radiotherapy in the City of Natal, Brazil, but the treatment was unsuccessful. Her body did not accept any of the chemotherapies to control the disease, which in recent months spread to the lung. Recently she was in Camargo Center Hospital in São Paulo and the recommendation was the same treatment, but a new hope emerged to have immunotherapy treatment to prevent the increase in cancer cells in Aldenira's body, but, it is a treatment that costs an average of $ 5,000 USD for each treatment and she has to have 6 to 8 treatments of immunotherapy. Aldenira has also been taking treatment with traditional medicines as well, in the spiritual ceremonies of many indigenous and non-indigenous peoples in various parts of the world.
At this moment we need a lot of help. We are asking for your collaboration and your support to help fight this disease that has mistreated this great warrior who has relentlessly fought so hard for the good of all and wishes to continue fighting after healing and recovering. I am really asking for your support at this time and all if it’s neccesity.
In Brazil, for SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde), the Single Health System, to finance this treatment, it must be authorized by the Ministry of Justice, something that is absurd. Even though it has already been requested in the Public Prosecution Service in Natal for SUS to fund this treatment, but we do not know when it can happen. or if it will happen.
We are asking you, our friends, to help us in this fight.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Ninawa Inu Huni Kui
Huni kui leader
Acre - Brazil
As far as the goal of this campaign, we are asking for $32,670 which includes the fees that GofundMe takes out ( 2.9% and $0.30 of each donation).