In honor of Clyde and Charles, for Abigail
In memory and celebration of Clyde’s life, this page has been set up to benefit Abigail, Clyde’s wonderful older sister. Our goal is to help defray costs, current and future, related to this tragedy, as well as educational and support opportunities.
Clyde passed away unexpectedly after 16 months of brightening up our lives. Abigail, 3.5 years old, wouldn't hesitate to be Mom’s little helper with everything Clyde needed. Clyde loved life and enjoyed playing with Abigail and their dog Brewster. Clyde loved eating and his favorite foods were apples, oranges, cheerios, and especially Mom’s baking. Clyde loved being outdoors, going on family walks, playing in the water, picking fresh tomatoes out of Dad’s garden, and also loved music and dancing.
We love Clyde with all of our hearts and want to honor his memory now and forever. We appreciate your thoughts and sympathy during this time. I know Brent and Victoria are heart-warmed by all of your love and support.