In Loving Memory
Hi all,
It pains us to say that our beautiful Laura Lee Taylor Hayashi has passed to the spiritual world on May 16, 2021.
As many of you know, she had been battling cancer. Many of you visited and sent your warm wishes, and she was so appreciative and basked in your love. We asked her how her day was going on Mother's Day as she had a lot of visitors. She responded by raising her eyebrows and with a gentle smile she said one word, “astonishing." Aunt Laura's strong, determined, beautiful spirit never dimmed. Just like the photo on this page, she lived life with arms wide - with purpose and strength in her mind and heart. She passed peacefully, and in her home.
It’s difficult to face the fact that Aunt Laura is no longer with us in the physical world but her spirit lives on in our hearts, forever. She truly is the most spirited, inspired, loving human we have met to this day. No one’s energy more infectious, no one’s love more felt.
Please join us in supporting the Hayashi family in any way you can comfortably. The money will be used for medical and funeral expenses.
With love,
Sarang and Valerie