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In Loving Memory of a Husband and Father, Samuel

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As you all may already know, I recently lost my father on November 23rd. Since July my dad has been in and out of doctor’s offices and hospitals due to being misdiagnosed multiple times and his health becoming more compromised as the days went on. He has not been able to work for the past 6 months, which has left my mother to become the bread winner to financially provide for the household. Because his health deteriorated so quickly, we did not have enough time to prepare for this loss, and, with all the medical expenses and funeral arrangements, we are in a financial hole.

This is honestly taking a lot out of me to form this GoFundMe because I know my father would not want to ask for help, but at the same time I understand the financial burdens that have been left behind for my mother, sister, and I to handle.

My father was a wonderful man. He never wanted for anything but to make sure that his wife and two daughters were happy and taken care of. He was extremely hardworking, would make something out of nothing, and was always willing to help others. My dad was a happy man that loved his family and fought hard for us until his very last breath. He cared for others more that he cared for himself, and there is not one person who does not have good things to say about him.

This is taking a toll on not just our family but the community that he has touched as well, and we  would appreciate any assistance that you could provide.

Thank you in advance!


  • Jillian T
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs


Samantha Joly
Windermere, FL

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