Chris Balentine’s Funeral Expenses and Family Fund
On Wednesday, Dec 23rd, 2020 the day started like most days filled with loving conversation between Chris, his lovely wife Uriah, and their two beautiful children Brandon 15 and Christina (Tina) 12. It was the day before Christmas Eve and full of excitement and preparation but unfortunately it was Chris’s last as he unexpectedly died that evening from a heart attack.
Chris loved life and lived it to the fullest he always made sure his family was with him every step of the way. Chris worked hard as an entrepreneur and the sole provider for his family with his wife Uriah, working as equally hard as a stay at home mom raising two amazing children. Life had its ups and downs but they always managed the tough time together as a family.
Friends of Chris are setting up one gofundme with two purposes. The first is to help the Balentine family with funeral and memorial expenses. The second is to help the family during this difficult transition and provide Chris’s children Brandon and Christina (Tina) with hope for a brighter future.
Chris is survived by his wife Uriah Balentine there two children Christina (Tina) Balentine 12 and Brandon Balentine 15. He also leaves behind his loving mother Jo Ann M. Marrese, father Earl E. Balentine and brothers Jonah M. Balentine and Patric J. Balentine.
“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.”
—Leo Buscaglia