In loving memory of Fernandito jr
Hello my name is Tita Mendoza My family and I are creating this go fund me account to help raise funds for our beloved friend Angela’s son’s funeral expenses. Any donations will be truly appreciated from the bottom of our hearts.
Earlier today May 31st,2020 Fernandito jr had a terrible accident which caused his death.
The Family needs your support more then ever.. any generous donations will help with the funeral expenses.
God Bless You & Thank You in advance for your donations.
Hola mi Nombre es Tita Mendoza ,
yo y mi familia hemos creado esta pagina para recaudar fondos para cualqier gasto funerario para el hijo de nuestra Amiga Angela que fallecio esta tarde en un terrible accidente. Se que estamos pasando por una terrible crisis financiera pero cualquier donacion es aceptada y agradecida desde el fondo de nuestros corazones.
Perder a un hijo no es facil les pedimos su ayuda y se les agradece de ante mano a todos los/las que decidan aportar su granito de arena. Muchas gracias y que dios los bendiga.
Commonly asked questions: 1. Who you are? Tita mendoza, friend of Angela who is mother of fernandito jr 2. Where are you from? San jose, ca 3. Relationship to the parties you are raising funds for? Close friends for years 4. How will the funds be spent? All funds collected here will be spent by the family for funeral expenses. 5. How do you intend to deliver the funds to the family? All funds collected here will be transferred to my bank account as the family authorized me to do so and withdrawals will be made by me and personally delivered to Angela and Fernando who are Fernandito’s parents. Thank you all for the donations they are very much appreciated from the bottom of our hearts. God bless!