In loving Memory of Isabel Delatorre
Donation protected
On March 25th, 2022 Friday afternoon. Resiving horrifying phone call to inform me that my little sister as i call her always at her age 35 .Isabel was rushed to the emergency room. In critical condition i was in disbelief not my sister praying for my sis to don't give up. To please don't leave us in pain one's again that we need here with us. The doctor's never gave me hope they inform me that my sister was very Critical and would maybe not make it through the night. As I resive the last call at 10:00p.m she passed away my sister Isabel. I didn't want to say goodbye to my sister as they put the phone on her ear. I just said don't leave me and how much we love her dearly. I no my sister miss are mom so very much Isabel depended on her and couldn't never except the fact that are mother was no longer with us been almost 7 year's of are mom passing it stell feels like it was resent. Ho was Isabel Delatorre she just turn 35 year's old was a daughter,sister, niece, cousin, aunt, wife and most of all loving friend to so many people that got to no her. My sister was loving, caring, respecfull ,funny in her special way. I will miss all of that and leaves me with a heart broken and beautiful memories. And I thank in advance each one of you for caring for are family and for the support and sending your prayers . In these difficult times were going through may God bless each one of you always. Any amount will help to bring my sister home to lay her to rest and gratefully appreciated by sharing.
En Marzo 25,2022 viernes en la tarde resivi una horrible Llama para informarme de mi hermanita como le desia yo a su eda de 35 años. Isabel fue llevada al hospital de emergencia critica condition. Yo no lo podia creer dije no mi hermanita empese a resar que no se vensiera que le Chara ganas. I que no nos dejara nueva mente en dolor que la nesesita vamos con nosotros. Los doctores nunca me dieron esperansa que sovre viviera esta my critica condiciones I posible mente no salia la noche . I cuando resivi la ultima llama alas 10:00 p.m fue que fallecio mi hermana Isabel. Yo no me quise despedir de mi hermanita antes que falleciera le pusieron el telefono para que escuchara mi vos le dije que no me dejara I cuanto la queriamos mucho .Yo se que mi hermana extrañaba mucho nuestra mama Isabel depended mucho de ella . I nunca acepto su que nuestra mama ya no estaba con nosotros ya casi son 7 años I siento toda via como si fuera resiente. Quien era Isabel Delatorre fue un hija, hermana, sovrina, prima,tia, espsa ,I mas que nada una cariñosa Amiga a mucha jente que llego a conoser la. Mi hermana era con mucho amor ,cariñosa, respectable, chistosa en su modo especial.Voy extrañar todo eso me deja con mi corazon herido I con bonitos recuerdos. I quiero agradeserles ante Mano a cada uno de ustedes por el cariño que nos an demostrado a la familia. I su apoyo I sus horaciones en estos momentos difisiles que estamos pasando .Que Dios los bendiga cada uno de ustedes siempre. Cualquier cantidad es agradesida para traer mi hermanita a casa para darle su aterno descanso .I tambien se les agradese tambien si comparten .
Blanca Tapia
Los Angeles, CA