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In Loving Memory of Kyle Gotchel

Spende geschützt
May 7th, 2018 the world lost a beautiful human being. We are raising money to bring awareness to mental health issues in college students, and also start a scholarship fund in Kyle's name. Please donate to honor this outstanding individual who was taken from this earth too soon. We love and miss you Kyle. GoFundMe has required I update the story and share some background information as to how I know Kyle and the Gotchel family for security purposes. I am a friend of Kyle's from his fraternity at Rutgers University. I have been in close contact with his family on how we will withdraw the money and Kyle's father, Brian has created a bank account specifically for this purpose. We have decided to use a large portion of the money to create the Eagle Educational Foundation. The rest of the money leftover will be used to set up a remembrance event for Kyle and fundraiser to help give scholarships to young students on their way to college.


  • Justin Bartus
    • $10
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Tarek Azoury
New Brunswick, NJ
Brian Gotchel

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