In Loving memory of Vincent Solomon “JR”
It is with a heavy heart and great humility that I announce the sudden passing of my younger brother Vincent Solomon, Jr. He passed away on the morning of June 28th, 2021 at the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. Vincent passed away at the tender age of twenty-two, due to complications emanating from Sickle Cell Anemia treatments.
We are all devastated by the loss of Vincent, but we are grateful for the joy he brought into our lives.
Vincent's love ones are asking how they can help, so we currently accepting donations and asking for your financial support to enable us to cover these unexpected funeral expenses. Your kind donations will make it easier for us to fly his remains back to Houston, TX from NIH in Maryland, and to give him a befitting burial.
We have set up this page to enable all those interested to send their donations using this avenue. The funeral is planned for the 3rd or 4th weekend of July. Your urgent response will be greatly appreciated, and we thank you for your generosity.
Louis V. Solomon (Vincent's Brother, on behalf of my family).