memorial funds for our daughter Summar Drake
our first oldest daughter Summar Drake was 19yrs old. on Oct 1st, 2024 she had been taken to the hospital when she went into cardiac arrest we had her put on life support she was on that till oct 7th due to her being an organ donor. she was pregnant with our first grand child. she passed on Oct 3rd ,2024 and was called home to our heavenly father in heaven she had been in a coma on her own since oct 1st. passed due to her being pronounced legally brain dead there was no response from all the test they did and she had no brain activity and no blood flow. on the 7th we had a honor walk for her in the hospital she got transferred to for being a organ donor. she saved 5 lives from her donations. she was a very loving caring person and we love her very much. she had no life insurance neither did we have insurance to be able to pay for her memorial service. we are in desperate need for prayers and donations so we can pay for such. all donations and prayers we get are greatly appreciated. thank you.