In memoriam of Pranas Gurskis
Donation protected
As one star dims an eternal light ignites in the universe. A person remains as long as the memory is alive.
With deep sadness we say farewell to Pranas GURSKIS, our beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, friend.. He will always be remembered as a man with extraordinary sense of humor, strong character and a huge heart, who was infinitely proud to call himself a teacher and a trucker.
A farewell will take place February 26th at 3 pm EST in St. Michael’s The Archangel Roman Catholic Church, 804 High House Rd, Cary, NC 27513
The family asks that in lieu of flowers a donation is made to this go fund me campaign. Collected funds will be dedicated to educational causes of Lithuanian youth as a symbol of his calling as an educator.
Death is just a chapter… our loved ones depart leaving behind a light and never ending memories.
As one star dims an eternal light ignites in the universe. a person remains as long as the memory is alive.
Viena žvaigždė užgęsta... kita įsižiebia beribėje visatoje...
Žmogus išlieka, kol atmintis gyva...
Su giliu liūdesiu pranešame, kad Vasario 1-mą dieną nustojo plakusi mums labai brangaus žmogaus, mylinčio vyro, tėčio, senelio, brolio, dėdes, draugo, nuoširdaus mokytojo ir ištvermingo trokerio Prano Gurskio širdis.
Visuomet prisiminsime Praną kaip unikalaus humoro, labai stipraus charakterio ir didelės širdies žmogų.
Atsisveikinimas įvyks Vasario 26-tą dieną 15:00 valandą, St. Michael’s The Archangel Roman Catholic Church, 804 High House Rd, Cary, NC 27513
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Viena žvaigždė užgęsta... kita įsižiebia...
Organizer and beneficiary
Austeja Sruoga
Orland Park, IL
Monika Vainorius