In Memory of Alisha Morrison
My name is Mandy I have been a honorary Morrison since I was 9 years old. I am establishing this GoFundMe for the benefit of Tyler/Alisha, and their three children.
As many of you know we lost Alisha Noel Morrison on Friday May 28th. Alisha passed peacefully after a year long fight with I.G. . Alisha wanted her passing and illness private so that the time she had left could be spent as normal as possible with her three beautiful children and Tyler.
Due to her illness Alisha was unable to obtain life insurance, her passing leaves the family in a financial hardship. Alisha was Tyler’s care taker (many of you might know that Tyler became disabled while serving in the military), her passing has cut in half the families monthly income. Tyler and Alisha had just paid all of their debts and were working towards saving for a house.
Any donations made will directly help Tyler and the children. If we can reach our goal it would truly be a blessing for a family who has lost so much.
If you are unable to help financially I am asking that you write down fond memories that you have with Alisha, a song that reminds your of her, a picture she might have drawn for you, or anything you think her children would like to see. It is up to us, to tell her children about the amazing woman she was and to keep her memory alive within them.
Thank you for loving Alisha, she will be forever with us.