In memory of Andy Dunn (jock)♥️
Donation protected
It is with extreme sadness that we are announcing the death of Andrew Dunn (Jock).
We have decided to raise money to help cover the cost for his funeral and memorial service as this passing was completely unexpected and no arrangements were in place.
Our father has recently passed away. he had two cardiac arrests and was brought back to life, he then had a stent fitted but never woke up from the coma, due to low oxygen levels to the brain. So we had no choice but to turn off his life support and let him pass.
This has been the most difficult time of our lives and our family are completely devastated and heartbroken.
Please donate if you can, no donation is too small and anything will help to say our final goodbyes. We understand that not everyone can donate so please don’t feel that you have to.
Once the funeral date is arranged, we will update and everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating his life and the memories everyone shared with him as he deserves the best send of ever.
Organizer and beneficiary
Chelsee Dunn
Liberty Dunn