In Memory of Big Frank
Tax deductible
Many have been saddened by the unfortunate news that our beloved Big Frank has crossed the rainbow bridge. We are touched, beyond words, with the kindness and support so many have shown for Angela and her family, as they are coping with the loss of Big Frank.
In 2020, someone reached out to me about a cat that desperately needed help. Big Frank was a lonely, overweight cat whose owner chose to leave behind when they moved. He was living in a basement, no toys, no beds, no love from anyone. Other rescues would not take him, due to his obesity and age. I knew there had to be a special person who would step up for him. Angela contacted me as soon as I posted the plea for a foster or guardian and Big Frank's life would forever be changed!
Big Frank had a lot of unforseen medical issues and Angela has been by his side tough it all! Through the good times and the bad, Anglea did whatever was needed for him. She gave him the best life filled with love. Big Frank created a large following on his page Big Frank Doing Big Frank Things and he quickly became a cat loved by the people! He brought people from around the world together in so many ways! We all looked forward to posts from Angela just to see what Big Frank was up to. We will all miss Big Frank dearly, but carry his memory in our heart!
In honor of the cat loved by so many, this fundraiser is dedicated to the memory of Big Frank. It will allow us to help other cats like him, when no one else is going to be there.
Angela - Thank you for being Big Frank's angel and loving him unconditionally. ❤
We couldn't have had a better guardian for Big Frank and I am personally grateful for all you've done.
Big hugs! Rest is paradise Big Frank!
Leslie / Renko

Plano, IL
Renko Animal Shelter