In memory of Craig Bailey
As we all process the loss of our dear friend, Craig Bailey, what is clearly evident is the impact and wonderful memories he has left with all of us.
Over the last 10 years and within 3 companies, I have been fortunate enough to witness Craig's infectious personality, warm heart and live free approach to all he does, win over the hearts of colleagues and clients in only the way Craig could do. To him, we weren't "just" colleagues and that was genuinely felt in how he treated us all. Many lasting friendships were forged and that has never been more evident than over the last few days, as many of you have reached out as the news of his passing spread.
Craig loved life, being in nature, spending time with his family and nothing more than his amazing wife Emma and their three dogs Ashby, Oban and Conrad.
Please join me in making a donation to the Liberty Humane Society in his honor.
Craig, thank you for the impact you've made on my life and all of those around you. Your smile and laugh are embedded in our memories and your wonderful soul lives on forever with us all.
RIP my friend.