In Memory of Dapo
It is with deepest regret and overwhelming sadness that we received the news of the passing of our very dear friend and colleague, Dr Adedapo Adejumo. Words fail to convey the sense of loss both personally and professionally.
I have known Dapo for 10 years and over this time we became more family than colleagues. From the dusty roads of Kano in Northern Nigeria to the fjords of Norway, Dapo was the consummate globetrotter. For everyone who knew him there is no doubt that his positivity always shined through and he rarely had a down day. He was a stand-up guy, dependable and his integrity was unimpeachable.
Although a public health physician by training and a health information systems specialist, Dapo’s knowledge of football stats was of genius proportions. I can still see him passionately defending his team and analysing a game.
When he joined BAO Systems a few years ago, I would never have imagined that this journey will be ending so suddenly and tragically. How I wish there was a backup protocol to restore this loss. He will be sorely missed. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Donations received will be passed on to his wife to help with supporting the two little children he left behind.
– Busoye Anifalaje, on behalf of BAO Systems
Update: Thank you all for your messages and donations. For transparency's sake, we would like to inform you that Michael Spitzer of BAO Systems has been added as a beneficiary to assist with the transferral of accrued funds to Dapo's family.