In Memory of Dr Peter Green
It is with great sadness to receive the news of Dr Peter Green's passing.
Peter dedicated his whole career to academia and helping an immeasurable number of students in achieving their goals, and towards the end of his career; the foundation he built as Head of Partnership between Ulster University and QAHE.
The legacy he built over the past 10 years will live on, in the success of QAHE/UU students for years to come.
In memory of Peter, any funds raised will be donated to Peter's chosen charity, Marie Curie.
An online memorial book has also been created. Please feel free to leave your messages of condolence for Peter's family: https://padlet.com/madelyncubra/in-remembrance-of-dr-peter-green-cfz43wxmxjfngigj
Madelyn Cubra
Marie Curie