In Memory of Edward Hamlin
Hello, my name is Wes Bunn (I am the son of Ginny Hamlin) and I am writing this on behalf of her and the Hamlin family in an attempt to raise funds to help offset the burden of the medical expenses incurred and prepare final arrangements for her husband (my stepfather), Ed Hamlin, who passed away on August 17th 2021 due to complications stemming from Covid 19.
My mother, always obedient to God, asked that I mention the fact that they both had life insurance for a great number of years prior to turning 60. But when they turned 60 and insurance premiums sky-rocketed, they were going to shop around policies last year but they never did. They did not (as many of us would) expect that this would be their last year together.
Both of them were hesitant on vaccination at first, as they wanted to see the effects of becoming vaccinated before committing to getting the shot. They never expected that they would contract Covid, and that through masking up and social distancing they would be safe enough. My mother will tell you first hand now how important it is to get the shot and become vaccinated.
My mother and stepfather Ed, contracted Covid 19 at the end of July of this year and they were both admitted to the ICU at Corona Regional Hospital. Ed was placed on a ventilator, while my mom was on high-flow oxygen support and both were at 100% supplied oxygen at one point, and having a difficult time breathing on their own. After about a week, my mother was able to get that number down, however, her husband Ed had a harder time and had to be intubated to assist with his oxygen intake.
After 10 days in the ICU, my mother was able to get her levels down enough that she was to be transferred to a Long Term Acute Care hospital to continue her recovery. Ed's levels seemed to be stalling at around 70% supplied oxygen at the time, and was still under intubation, but was given the okay to be transferred as well to the same hospital as my mom (which treated people recovering from Covid and intubated patients).
Things were looking optimistic, as my mother slowly started to recover, we prayed that Ed's condition would also improve so that he could come off intubation and receive a tracheotomy which required that his supplied oxygen level drop below 50% so the procedure could be performed. Ed's daughter and son were able to come and visit with him for a few days, while he was still under sedation.
As we continued to pray, his stats looked to be getting slightly better at times, but then elevate at others as a result of his body fighting back the virus and continuing to work extremely hard. The doctors would adjust accordingly to try and help him, but ultimately his heart had been working so hard for so long that it just couldn't sustain it any longer. At 11:25, while my mother and his daughter were just outside his room (and I on the phone with her), Ed Hamlin at the age of 61 passed away.
Ed Hamlin was born October 14th, 1959 - he and my mother celebrated over 20 years of marriage, and in that time I've always appreciated the way he treated my mother with love and respect, and my sister and I as if we were his own kids. He had a tremendously huge heart, was a devout Christian, always wanted to help others and never see anyone down. He was the type of person that would spend time just talking with you, and praying for you, and asking you what he can do to help you.
Ed was a patriot, loved his country, and served in the Air Force. He was the proud grandfather of several grandkids who adored him, and would always take the time to laugh, joke, and play with them. I can recall the time Ed flew cross country by himself, to pick up my son, then a day later flew back across the country with him to California. He then flew out a week later returning my son, and flew back across country again back home. Anything for the grandkids... he was always so happy to be spending time with them.
Our families are absolutely heartbroken by this unexpected loss, and although they say that time heals all wounds, this is a pain that will be everlasting for us... our families will not be the same without him. The only solace we can take comfort in is knowing that he is in heaven, looking down on us with no pain or worry, loving us still the same and waiting until the day we can all be reunited again.
We love you, and we'll miss you, and we are thankful for the lives you've enriched with your presence. We appreciate all of you as well for your prayers, support, love, and thoughts throughout this difficult time - it has been a source of strength and encouragement for us as we try to move forward and sort everything out, continued prayers and words are welcomed.
If you would be willing to donate any amount, we would be forever grateful. If you would like to share this with others to raise awareness of the importance of being vaccinated, please do so, we do not want this to happen to another family.