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In Memory of Francisco Javier Urrea Cebreros aka Frank

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Francisco Javier Urrea Cebreros, or Frank, as he liked to be called, was born on December 30th, 1993 in Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico.

From childhood he was a charismatic, extroverted and an intelligent kid. He lived in Sinaloa until the age of 10 when in 2004, he immigrated to the United States alongside his two younger siblings and his mother to reunite as a family with their dad in San Leandro.

Francisco and his family arrived with hopes and dreams for a better life. He began his studies in Del Rey primary school in the 5th grade, he then continued on to Edendale Middle School, and later San Lorenzo High School.

Frank forged a reserved and strong character, with the intentions of taking over the world. At only 30 years of age, he was a man ready to start his life anew, and was dedicated towards achieving his goals and many aspirations/dreams. He loved sports, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially running, often running 4/5 times a week. He was very dedicated and disciplined about his exercise.

Unfortunately, on Sunday, August 4th, 2024, he went for a run around 6:45 - 7:00pm and never returned home. Unchained from life by a tragic and fatal accident, his remains will soon be taken back to the place that witnessed his birth and childhood. He is survived by his parents Soccorro Cebreros Ontiveros and Francisco Javier Urrea Mendoza, and his two brothers, Luis Fernando Urrea Cebreros and Andres Urrea Cebreros.


Francisco Javier Urrea Cebreros, o Frank como a él le gustaba que lo llamaran, nació el 30 de diciembre de 1993 en Culiacan, Sinaloa Mexico.

Fue un niño carismático, extrovertido, y muy inteligente. El vivió en Sinaloa hasta los 10 años de edad. Emigró a los Estados Unidos en el año 2004, junto a sus dos hermanos menores y su madre para reunificar su familia al lado de su padre.

Llegando a vivir a San Leandro, California con la ilusión de una vida mejor. El comenzó sus estudios en la escuela Del Rey en el quinto grado, para después acomodarlo a Edendale Middle School, donde se graduó y pasó a San Lorenzo High School.

Frank forjo un carácter fuerte y reservado, con ganas de comerse al mundo cuando era adolecente.Hoy a la edad de 30 años era un hombre que estaba listo para comenzar a vivir de nuevo, con metas disciplinadas y muchos sueños. Amaba el deporte en especial salir a correr, de 4 a 5 veces por semana. Era muy disciplinado en su ejercicio.

El domingo 4 de agosto del 2024, salió a correr alrededor de las 6:45 pm - 7:00 pm para jamás volver a casa. Desencadenado por ese fatal accidente, sus restos serán llevados al lugar que lo vio nacer. Le sobreviven sus padres Soccorro Cebreros Ontiveros y Francisco Javier Urrea Mendoza y dos hermanos, Luis Fernando Urrea Cebreros y Andres Urrea Cebreros.


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Roxana Cruz
Hayward, CA
Andres Urrea

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