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In Memory of Joyce Yates Lawhon

Don protégé
Hello, my name is Nya Ruta. (Some of you may know me as Beatrix or Bea)

My mom Joyce Yates Lawhon has passed away suddenly October 19th in the morning. She was the brightest woman I have ever been given the honor of being a daughter to. She was a pillar in the NA community for a very long time and helped others whenever she could in their recovery. She had a love for people and she opened her home to others whenever someone needed a place to stay. She worked at Job Corps for a long time as well, helping others in need of direction in their lives and gladly giving them as much time as they needed. She gave freely of her time and loved hard. She also had a love for Llamas, she always thought they were so funny and cute; her laugh was contagious.

I am in need of help with the expenses to have her cremated and to have a memorial in her honor; she was a pillar in my family and we are so broken and lost right now. Anything would help, I'd just like to have a memorial for my mom that honors her and where everyone can say goodbye and talk about the good times that she brought to our lives.

Thank you for your time reading this, if you want to send me payment on a different platform like PayPal or cash app, my discord is honeybea.jpeg; just message me on there and I will get back to you immediately.

 Garantie des dons GoFundMe

Cette cagnotte indique la possibilité de faire des dons via une autre plateforme, mais attention seuls les dons effectués sur GoFundMe sont protégés par la garantie de don GoFundMe.

Je soutiens


  • Rachel Rinkus
    • 100 $
    • 5 mois
  • Ursula Figas
    • 25 $
    • 5 mois
  • chester bunting
    • 250 $
    • 5 mois
  • Brandon Youngcourt
    • 200 $
    • 5 mois
  • Dustin Pillonato
    • 1 500 $
    • 5 mois
Je soutiens

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Nya Ruta
Wind Gap, PA
Joshua Bortz

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