In memory of Karen Magrath
Following the unexpected and sudden passing of our beautiful mother Karen Magrath (also known as Karen Arnold) we have set up a fundraising page in her memory to help support funeral costs and other unexpected costs we have encountered through this hard time. Karen was a beautiful and bubbly spirit who spoke to everyone and anyone. She worked in the community and bossed numerous roles over her 57 years on this earth as the insanely talented and resourceful super woman she was. She had a huge love of creativity, music, gardening and making people laugh and smile.
Karen leaves behind 3 children. Marissa,
Kloé and Sancho. We really want to make sure she has the celebration of her life she deserves and ensure her legacy lives on.
The funds from this page will go straight to Karen’s children to help towards funeral costs and unexpected living costs.
With love from Marissa, Kloé and Sancho